Receive Faith By Hearing Faith

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

Romans 10:17 NASB

Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I get more faith?” We can all agree that faith is essential to the Christian life. Faith comes by hearing God’s word and understanding with the heart. Very much in the same way that we hear bad news, will it not affect the way you feel?

As you encounter Jesus in the richness of His grace, faith naturally springs forth from within. We navigate life guided by faith. We fight the fight of faith. Faith is the essence for our salvation, our healing, and our righteousness. The Christian journey revolves around having faith in God's grace. The more we embrace His grace, the more our faith flourishes.

Here’s where the majority of the church gets it wrong: Faith cannot be attained by self-work! If it’s by your work. self-effort or self-righteousness to attain it on your own, then it’s not by God’s grace. The Bible says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Now keep reading, “Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.” (Romans 4:3-4 NKJV) To him that does not work, but believes, his faith is counted to him for righteousness. The problem with most Christians is that they’re doing to get God, versus having faith in His grace. Understanding that the debt has already been paid on the cross is pivotal!

In the past, our challenge was placing our trust in our own capacity to believe, and that approach proved ineffective. Instead, we should direct our trust towards God's infinite grace and love. Today's scripture emphasizes that faith operates through love. This pertains not to our own affection, but to His affection for us.

Faith isn't an attempt to manifest something that doesn't already exist. It's about bringing forth from the spiritual realm what is already inherent, what is already a part of you. It's that simple. Every blessing you receive from God comes to you through your faith in His boundless grace.

Confessing your righteousness isn't an endeavor to attain righteousness; it's an affirmation of the righteousness you already possess!


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