All of Your Sins Are Forgiven

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.

Hebrews 8:12

When something goes wrong, is your first thought, 'This must be happening because of my past sins'? When faced with a flat tire or an illness, do you think, 'What wrong have I done to deserve this punishment from God?' If you responded 'yes' to both, rest assured that you are not the only one who feels this way.

This is common thinking yet wrong thinking. If you are a believer, you’re now under a new covenant. If you’re familiar with the last supper, Jesus Himself defined the new covenant for us at this significant event. He said, “…this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28).

The essence of the new covenant is the complete forgiveness of all your sins, accomplished through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Your forgiveness is not contingent on the number of good deeds you have performed, the amount of money you have contributed to the church or charitable causes, or the leadership positions you hold. Instead, it solely depends on the redemptive power of Jesus' shed blood.

If this is the first time you hear this, I’m not surprised. There hasn’t been correct teaching on the forgiveness of all sins in the church. There is also the lack of genuine belief that we’re now under a new covenant. Instead, the pulpit is used to give you a “to-do-list” and keeps you working to keep you in “good standing” with God: this is considered The Law. Teachings that point out how to get rid of sin, insinuates that there is still sin, therefore put you under the law again.

God intentionally positioned the new covenant, found in Hebrews 8:12, as the last clause, signifying its crucial role in shaping our lives through this covenant. Should you doubt or disregard this essential final clause, you risk missing out on the complete benefits of the new covenant. In doing so, you would also invalidate God's Word and the accomplished work of Jesus. The new covenant explicitly declares that God is merciful towards your unrighteousness and has chosen to forget your sins and lawless deeds. If God affirms that He has forgotten them, then it is indeed true, as God cannot deceive or lie!

But how can God forget my sins?

He can do so because He is God! Whatever He declares, He fulfills. That sin you committed long ago, it has been erased from God's memory. He doesn't maintain an itemized list of all your past mistakes. There's no heavenly projector screen displaying your sins from birth to death. The blood of Jesus has completely obliterated all records of your transgressions when He proclaimed, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). When God gazes upon you now, He sees you cloaked in the righteousness of Jesus, covered by His blood, and made wholly righteous.

The devil, your own thoughts, and the people in your life may try to remind you of your past sins. However, when burdened by these mistakes, turn to God and rely on His grace. Why? Because He will show mercy towards your unrighteousness, and your sins and wrongdoings He will completely forget. This stands as the central principle of the new covenant of grace – His unwavering promise!


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