Right Believing Makes You Righteous

When I first read that scripture I asked myself, “What does it mean to be the righteousness of God?” Many believers link righteousness with a checklist of actions they must perform, and upon fulfilling these tasks, they perceive themselves as "righteous." On the contrary, when their conduct or behavior falls short, they sense a state of "unrighteousness." However, this interpretation and understanding of righteousness is incorrect.

Let's see what 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "For He [God] made Him [Jesus Christ] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him [Jesus Christ].” We are not righteous because we do right. We became righteous because of what Jesus did for us at the cross.

“Righteousness,” therefore, is not based on our right doing. It is based entirely on Jesus’ right doing. Christianity is not about doing right to become righteous. It is all about believing right in Jesus to become righteous. Rather, it centers on having faith in Jesus, who attained righteousness. Jesus has already paid the price and fulfilled the task on your behalf.

Seeking justification through right doing and striving diligently to keep the Ten Commandments in order to achieve righteousness undermines the significance of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. It is as good as saying, “The cross is not enough to justify me. I need to depend on my good works to make myself clean and righteous before God.”

With this, awaken to righteousness and taste and see that the LORD is good. Realize you have been been forgiven much and how much God loves you. Because of what Jesus did, God will not impute sin to you when you receive the free gift, for by grace you have been saved through faith. Because of Jesus, we have been given His righteousness. 

Therefore, don’t frustrate the grace of God by depending on your good works to make yourself righteous and put God on your side. The sacrifice of Jesus surpasses and is more than enough to justify you. With this awareness of your justification, you can hold steadfast confidence that God's undeserved favor is on your side, and expect good to happen to you today!


Receive Faith By Hearing Faith